Learn more about treating Mesothelioma | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

Learn more about treating Mesothelioma

Management of Mesothelioma

Because Mesothelioma is so rare, it can be challenging for lung cancer teams to keep up to date with the latest developments in treatment. To support our LCNUK members in this area, Leah Taylor, from Mesothelioma UK presents the latest information and advice on the management and treatment of Mesothelioma in the video below. We hope this resource will support Lung Cancer Nurse Specialists in the delivery of evidence-based and best practice care. 


This resource was published on 6 June 2024

Status: Current

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Annual Conference

Join us for the LCNUK Conference 2024, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 20th - Friday 21st June at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow. In this year’s event we’ll be returning to the fundamentals that are so important to our role focusing on patient centred care and symptom management.

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