Looking after yourself during COVID-19 | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

Looking after yourself during COVID-19

The Coronavirus pandemic is causing disruption and challenges across the whole of society not least the NHS, on an unprecedented scale. In these challenging times one cannot over stress the importance of taking time out look after yourselves and your team. When we are working flat out to meet unprecedented demands and covering for colleagues who are unwell, and the challenges and changes in family life, its only too easy to overlook our own care and wellbeing.  We know what we should do, and we are good at make sure our patients are doing it but finding time and resources to look after ourselves often comes bottom of the list.

Here is some advice on how to stay well:-

  1. Keep yourself informed of accurate information from legitimate sources. Our COVID-19 page offers advice from reputable sources.  If you have any other information you think should be included on these pages please contact us 
  2. Try to take regular breaks while at work. Where possible try to keep reasonable working hours and to ‘switch off’ when you are not at work
  3. Getting adequate rest and sleep is important. If you are struggling with sleep visit the Sleep Foundation for support
  4. Try to maintain a healthy diet. Eat nutritious food both at work and at home and engage in physical activity as much as possible
  5. Keep in touch 
    • Access supervision and peer support routinely
    • Reach out to your colleagues,  manager and other trusted persons for social support – they may be having similar experiences to you
    • Talk with family and friends often, this will help you feel less isolated
    • Network with other members through the LCNUK Members Directory  (Login to access)
    • Share information and tips via the LCNUK Discussion Forum (Login to access)
  6. Try to avoid unhelpful coping strategies. In the long term tobacco, alcohol or other drug use can worsen your mental and physical wellbeing. Instead use coping strategies that have worked for you in the past to manage times of stress – these are likely to be of benefit now. Social media can be a great way to stay connected and gain information. However, for some it can also become overwhelming and worsen feelings of stress and anxiety. Consider whether you need to switch off for some time to maintain your wellbeing
  7. Acknowledge your feelings. Check in with yourself regularly and ask yourself “Am I OK?” if the answer is “No” consider seeking help and speak to your line manager or someone you trust about the impact of your work
  8. Reach out to others. If you are a team leader or line manager ensure staff are aware of where they can access mental health and psychosocial support services, including providing advice on self-care strategies that can help reduce stress.

Here are just a few other resources to help you during these difficult times:-

Join Lung Cancer Nursing UK

Be a member of a dynamic and cohesive forum of lung cancer nurse specialists (LCNS) working throughout the UK. Membership costs just £30 per year and is open to any specialist nurse who spends more than 50% of their working week or clinical activities in caring for patients with lung cancer.

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Annual Conference

Join us for the LCNUK Conference 2024, the go-to event for any nurse working in lung cancer.

Held Thursday 20th - Friday 21st June at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow. In this year’s event we’ll be returning to the fundamentals that are so important to our role focusing on patient centred care and symptom management.

Find out more