How to prepare a scientific poster | Lung Cancer Nursing UK Skip to main content

How to prepare a scientific poster

Wednesday 18th October, 18:00 - 19:00

Academic posters are an excellent way for clinicians to showcase their work at conferences and meetings.  Similarly, to oral presentations, a successful poster can generate discussion amongst the audience members therefore it’s important to have a clear plan of what to say when stood alongside your poster. When done effectively they provide a succinct and attractive summary of your project. This session aims to provide you with a practical and concise method to prepare an academic poster.  The main focus should be on the content, results and conclusions, to allow your poster to be understood in the limited timeframe generally permitted.

Please join Lara Roskelly to discuss how to prepare a poster:

  • Tools
  • Design
  • Information and format
  • Headings
  • Main body
  • Results, conclusion, references
  • Templates

All healthcare professional are welcome to join this webinar and to participate in the Q& A that will follow this presentation.

This webinar has been instigated and organised by LCNUK. The support from our corporate sponsors has allowed us to provide this valuable educational meeting free of charge to all delegates. Sponsors have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers.


  • Lara Roskelly

    Frimley Health Foundation Trust
    Lara Roskelly is the Lead nurse for the Acute Oncology Services at Frimley Health (Frimley Park & Wexham Park hospital) for the last 6 years. The AOS team deliver a 7-day nurse led service across two sites, and review over 6300 in-patients per year. Before joining Frimley Health Lara worked at the Royal Marsden Hospital for 18 years in various roles: Matron for Critical Care Outreach, Matron Palliative care and Divisional Nurse Director for cancer services. Lara has delivered teaching at a number of universities on Advanced nursing practice, non-medical prescribing, Oncological emergencies, cancer critical care management, palliative care to name a few. She has also delivered simulation training as part of the Simulation faculty at Chelsea & Westminster. She is currently the module lead for the Principles of Cancer Care module at Frimley accredited with University of West London.