The 16th International Conference of the International Mesothelioma interest group (iMig 2023) will be held on 26th – 28th June, 2023, in Lille, France.
Building on the experience and the success of previous great meetings since the founding of iMig in Paris in 1991 (Boston, Cape Town, Birmingham, Ottawa…, not forgetting the successful virtual iMig conference held in 2021 by Australia), this multidisciplinary conference will bring together delegates from around the world and feature the most up-to-date research on diverse topics of interest.
Through workshops, plenary sessions, oral abstracts, poster sessions, and other events, this meeting will offer you plenty of networking opportunities with leading scientists, researchers, patients, and their associations. The resulting stimulating ideas will help to establish research collaborations and to fund projects.
It is an exciting time for mesothelioma research and management, join iMig 2023 for an outstanding scientific event.